About us

Islington Council's mission is to create a more equal Islington, where all of our 240,000 residents have an equal chance to thrive.

A more equal Islington

Our priorities are to create an Islington where

  • Children and young people have the best start
  • There are local jobs and businesses in a thriving local economy
  • Everyone has a place to call home
  • We have a cleaner, greener, healthier borough
  • Communities feel safe, connected and inclusive

How the council works

Islington residents are represented by 51 councillors, elected for a four-year term. Councillors determine the policies of the council, while officers (or council staff) are employed to give advice, implement these decisions and deliver council services. Council officers are accountable to the Chief Executive.

For information about council meetings and how the council works – including decisions, elections, ward partnerships and the council’s forward plan – visit our democracy pages.

Cllr Kaya Comer-Schwartz, Council Leader

Kaya Comer Schwartz was appointed as Leader of Islington Council on 20 May 2021, and is the first Black woman to take the role.

First elected to the council in 2013 to represent Junction ward, Cllr Comer-Schwartz became Deputy Leader in 2020. She has served on the council’s Executive for six years, most recently as Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families and prior to that as Executive Member for Community Development.

Before joining the council’s Executive, Cllr Comer-Schwartz worked in the charity sector, including roles at Centre for Mental Health, Shelter and The Women’s Library.

The Executive

The Leader of the Council appoints an Executive - a team of councillors with specific responsibilities covering all of the council's services. For more information on the Executive and responsibilities see our website.