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Danny Clarke

Islington Grow Show celebrates the borough’s growing communities with The Black Gardener Danny Clarke

Islington’s diverse communities are coming together at the Ecology Centre, Gillespie Park, on Sunday 8 September to celebrate gardening, food growing, and community, at the Islington Grow Show, with celebrity gardener Danny Clarke.

A resident recycles their food waste while cooking-2

Binny McBinFace?! Local school children invited to name new food waste recycling vehicle

Islington Council is calling on primary school pupils to help name its new food waste recycling vehicle, launching a new campaign to boost food waste recycling rates in the borough.

The Mayor of Islington Cllr Anjna Khurana celebrates GCSE results day with Elizabeth Garrett Anderson school pupils

Islington GCSE students celebrate after hard work pays off

Students across Islington were celebrating yesterday as they picked up their GCSE results and Level 2 vocational qualifications, and decided on their next steps.