£250 grant scheme widened to thousands more working renters in Islington
A one-off £250 grant to help with essential living costs has been made available to thousands more Islington residents who rent their homes.
The scheme, developed for people who are struggling to make ends meet despite being in work, has been widened so the remaining funds can help even more people to cope with the cost of living crisis.
The money is available to residents whoever they rent their home from – a private landlord, a housing association or the council – but applicants will need to act fast as the money is being given away on a first-come, first-served basis.
To claim the award, residents must be in work and renting their home, and there are limits on total household income and savings. But the scheme has been widened, and the following groups are now encouraged to apply if they meet the criteria:
- Those who receive Universal Credit and/or Housing Benefit;
- Those who share their home with people who are not their relatives or partners – for example in flatshares or houses in multiple occupation;
- Mature students aged 25+.
Some people who applied previously and were unsuccessful will now be eligible, and are invited to reapply. The council is writing to almost 2,800 residents in receipt of Universal Credit and Housing Benefit, inviting them to check if they now meet the eligibility criteria for the grant.
All the information about eligibility and instructions on how to apply can be found at islington.gov.uk/help250
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