Haringey to join Islington and Camden shared ICT service
Islington and Camden councils’ plans for a shared digital and ICT service are now set to include a third north London borough – Haringey.
The development follows Camden and Islington’s announcement last September of plans to bring together digital and ICT staff, to enhance the service for residents and save costs.
All three boroughs already use a wide range of technologies to conduct their business as efficiently as possible and to deliver enhanced digital services for their residents. These range from websites and apps to assistive technology, as well as newer platforms that enable staff to work on the move, saving time and money.
Haringey’s involvement in the partnership, if agreed, will lead to a more ambitious programme of change, potentially saving £6 million a year across the three boroughs. If the plans are approved, the costs and savings of the project will be shared equally between the three boroughs
Under the proposals, a joint committee made up of representatives from all three councils will meet in public to oversee the service and a single post will be created to lead and manage it. The plans are to be discussed at the three councils’ respective executive and cabinet meetings in coming weeks.
If all councils agree the move, recruitment for a Head of Service will take place in late spring. A launch date for the shared service has been set, pending agreement, at 1 October 2016.
Islington Council’s executive member for finance and performance, Cllr Andy Hull, said: “I’m delighted that Haringey are keen to join our partnership with Camden to establish a shared digital and IT service.
“Government funding cuts are hitting councils across the capital, and the country, so it makes sense that we work together to deliver services that local people need in a way that they want.”
Haringey Council’s cabinet member for resources and culture, Cllr Jason Arthur, said: “This exciting partnership with Camden and Islington has the potential to help Haringey deliver excellent digital services that will make life easier for residents, whilst at the same time saving money and protecting more of our budget for other key areas.”
Camden Council’s cabinet member for finance and technology, Cllr Theo Blackwell, said: “We already have a long history of successful collaboration with Islington and all three authorities share similar objectives, so it makes perfect sense to come together.
“A great deal of work has already gone into creating the shared service, and we’re delighted that Haringey has recognised the potential for significantly improving service whilst delivering the budget reductions needed as a result of government cuts.
“In the future, the joint service may also be able to generate income for all three councils through selling its combined expertise.”
The decisions on whether to proceed with the proposals will be made by Islington Council’s executive on 10th March, Haringey Council’s cabinet on 15th March, and Camden Council’s cabinet on 6th April.
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