School Street at Ambler Primary

Islington is top in London for healthy streets

Islington is one of London’s best boroughs for healthy streets - and top for School Streets, which cut traffic at school gates - a city-wide report finds today.

The Healthy Streets Scorecard, which ranks boroughs on the action taken to create healthier streets, places Islington as highest-scoring borough in its 2022 results, excluding the City.  Islington had the same rank in 2021.

Islington has the highest proportion of School Streets in London, with almost half of schools covered.  School Streets create a cleaner, greener and safer school gate, by cutting traffic from streets outside schools during drop-off and pick-up times.

The borough has 35 School Streets, covering 36 schools, making it safer and easier for children to walk, cycle and scoot to school.

In today’s scorecard, Islington also has the lowest level of car ownership in London, with 33 cars per 100 households, and the third highest proportion of streets covered by low-traffic neighbourhoods, with 44%. 

Islington has a record of action to create healthier streets, including in 2012 becoming the first London local authority to introduce 20mph limits on all roads managed by the borough.

Cllr Rowena Champion, Islington Council’s executive member for environment, air quality and transport, said: “Our council is focused on taking action to tackle the climate emergency, improve air quality and create a more equal borough, where all can travel easily and safely.

“Our School Streets, people-friendly streets and 20mph roads make it easier for people to walk, cycle and scoot, and for local people to make healthier choices that are more environmentally friendly.

“We’ve worked hard for years to create healthier streets. We know there is more to be done and we will keep taking action to create healthy streets in Islington, as we strive to create a greener, cleaner, healthier borough.”



Notes to editors

Read more on the Healthy Streets Scorecard 2022 on the scorecard website: 

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