Islington’s first Covid-19 testing site to open
Islington’s first Covid-19 testing site is about to open - and is due to be fully operational from Sunday (4 October) – following calls from Islington Council for a local test centre.
The local walk-through testing site, in the car park of the Sobell Leisure Centre, will be open from 8am-8pm, seven days a week, for the next six months.
Tests can be booked through the national coronavirus website – www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test - or by dialling 119. The site will not be able to accept people who come for tests without booking.
Islington Council has been calling for a local testing site to help make it easier for local people to access tests, to control the spread of the virus and to save lives.
The site will operate to clinically approved national standards, with thorough safety and infection control procedures. It will be run by the national testing programme, with security on site 24 hours a day. Islington Council will liaise closely with the site operators.
Anyone with coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – must get a test at a testing site.
Cllr Sue Lukes, Islington Council’s executive member for community safety, said: “Our top priority is keeping our residents safe and supported throughout the pandemic.
“We’ve been calling for a local testing site so it’s easier for local people to get a test. It’s vital our residents can get tests so we can trace cases, stop the spread of the virus and save lives.
“Islington’s first testing site is a step in the right direction. We will very closely monitor how the site is working, and if our residents are now able to easily get the tests they need to keep everyone safe.”
The testing site is in part of the leisure centre car park, and the leisure centre remains open. It is a walk-through site only, and there is no parking provision at the site for people attending for tests. People are asked to travel to the testing site on foot, bicycle or motorcycle, and not by public transport. The Sobell Leisure Centre has lots of cycle parking.
You can read more about coronavirus on the NHS website and more about council support and services during coronavirus.
Contact information
If you are a member of the public with a general question about the council please view the contact information on our website or call 020 7527 2000.