Join the Mayor of Islington at two volunteering fairs
The Mayor of Islington, in partnership with his chosen charity Voluntary Action Islington (VAI), will host two events this month to encourage people to learn about local volunteering opportunities.
The Mayor of Islington, Councillor Gary Heather, said: “Islington is lucky to benefit from the contribution of many thriving community organisations, run by volunteers. Volunteering is about solidarity: local people helping local people.
“These events are fantastic opportunities for local people to see what’s on offer, for people who want to help their community. If you want to give back, connect with others, and learn skills, please come along!”
The first event, in the south of the borough, is at Weston Rise Community Centre at 12-2pm on Wednesday 21 February. The second, in the north of Islington, is at Caxton House Community Centre at 12-2pm on Tuesday 27 February.
Organisations attending the fairs include: Art Explora, Cotton Tree Trust, Head Held High, Help on Your Doorstep, Islington Citizens Advice, Migrateful, Stuart Low Trust, The Garden Classroom, The ViewMag and the Whittington Health Charity.
People are free to drop in at any time to have a chat with local groups and find out about the different opportunities available. Refreshments will be provided. There will be a range of volunteering opportunities on offer, ranging from a few hours on a one-off basis through to more regular and longer-term commitments.
Navinder Kaur, CEO of Voluntary Action Islington, said: “We are excited to be hosting these volunteering fairs with the support of the Mayor."
“We promote volunteering in Islington as we see first-hand how it improves people’s overall health and wellbeing. Volunteering enables people to take part in community life: make connections with others; become more active, learn new skills and build self-confidence."
“Many community organisations in Islington are looking for volunteers to help out with a range of roles including activity assistants, administrators and receptionists; customer service and retail assistants; buddies, mentors, and tutors and reading help in schools; supporting food hubs, cooking, and catering as well as gardening and green schemes, and there is so much more."
“So, if any of these roles is something that you can help with, please do come and find out more. Please also bring others along if you would like to.”
If you have any questions about the events, please email TheMayor@islington.gov.uk or call 0207527 3087 or 020 7527 3113.
Notes to editors
Voluntary Action Islington is a charity that empowers the expansion of volunteering to help people across the borough, as well as promoting inclusion and the power of community. Their vision is for a resilient voluntary sector that actively collaborates to support residents and the community. They provide information, training and support to volunteers, staff and trustees within the voluntary and community sector in Islington.
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