Letter: Barnard Park

Green space is precious in a small, condensed urban area like Islington, and we want to make our parks accessible and enjoyable for as many people as possible. 
Barnard Park’s new seven-a-side football pitch will be widely available to the local community, including free slots, dedicated time for groups working with children and young people, and ‘pay-to-play’ sessions. The exact split is still to be determined and there will be further consultation on this.
Alongside an improved pitch, Barnard Park will have a new open space for park users to have a kick-about with friends.
When we consulted on our most recent proposals, the overwhelming majority (nearly 80 per cent) of responses we received – from people from a wide-range of backgrounds, including local estate residents – supported the scheme. 
It’s impossible to satisfy all the competing demands of such a small space, but we think our plans strike a good balance between opportunities for formal sport and the broader community’s needs. 
Andrew Bedford, 
Islington Council’s Acting Head of Greenspace and Leisure

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