New centre opens doors for construction trainees in Islington

A brand new training centre in Islington has opened its doors to teach painting, decorating, and carpentry skills to a new generation of construction workers.

The facility in Station Road, N19, will be home to a dozen local trainees for the next three months as they sharpen their construction skills with Islington Council’s Repairs Team.

Trainees, aged 16-23, will spend the next 12 weeks on the traineeship programme run in partnership between Islington Council and City and Islington College. They will train in the centre and spend some of the time working with skilled operatives in the Repairs Team.

They have been referred to the programme through the council’s Youth Employment team and leaving care teams, as well as a number of youth clubs across the borough.

Young people enrolled on the programme will also study English and Maths, as well as construction skills, and learn how to write their CV and apply for jobs.

Some of the young people may then go on to undertake an apprenticeship with the council in September.

Trainee James, 21, said of his traineeship: "It's a good opportunity because not many courses and traineeships come around any more. For young people, it's a way to get a foot in the door. It's not an opportunity to waste."

James, an aspiring plumber, has already been learning window-glazing and plumbing skills. When asked if he had plans to apply for an apprenticeship with the council, he replied: "Definitely". 

Paige, 21, also a trainee, said: "I'm finding it really fun. I've always been interested in property development and DIY." She is planning to apply for a multi-skilled apprenticeship in September. 

The training facility was built alongside a new joinery workshop, which makes door and window frames for council homes, as part of the north London local authority’s move to bring housing repairs back in-house. 

Leader of Islington Council, Cllr Richard Watts, said: “We owe it to our young people to give them the help they need to get the careers they deserve.

“This new training facility and our traineeship programme provide a fantastic opportunity for local young people who want to develop valuable skills and get first-hand experience of the world of work.”

City and Islington College's Director of employability and employer engagement, Teresa Esan, said: "The College is delighted to be supporting the delivery of construction traineeships. They present an excellent opportunity for local residents to acquire the work experience and knowledge to advance themselves further."

Notes to editors

About traineeships

Traineeships are a government-funded initiative to help young people gain experience and skills to increase their prospects of finding work. They involve a mixture of training in college and work experience with an employer – in this case Islington Repairs Team. They are short-term programmes and are popular because the work placement element enables the young person to understand and experience the work environment in preparation for applying for apprenticeships.

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