A graphic of people enjoying streets on bikes, on wheel, and on foot pushing a buggy. Text on the graphic reads 'Islington for a more equal future'.

Canonbury West low-traffic neighbourhood made permanent

The Canonbury West low-traffic neighbourhood has been made permanent, having delivered cleaner, greener, healthier streets for local people.   

Islington Council introduced the neighbourhood in November 2020 as an 18-month trial, to help create more pleasant, welcoming streets where it’s easier to walk, cycle, scoot and use buggies and wheelchairs.   

The scheme has achieved its key goals, creating a more enjoyable area for local people by reducing traffic and speeding within the neighbourhood while bringing about a significant rise in rates of cycling. Local people also told the council how the neighbourhood has made it easier to walk and cycle to key amenities, and to cross roads.  

Back in March 2022, the council announced that the Canonbury West trial would be extended, with an exemption for Blue Badge holders being introduced on a trial basis. Having monitored the impact of this, the council has now made both the neighbourhood and the exemption permanent.   

The council is determined to create more environmentally-friendly, welcoming communities, and that’s why it is continuing to make improvements to Canonbury West. Improvements will be made to footpaths in the area, to ensure that they are more accessible for walking, wheeling, and buggies and wheelchairs. More greening will also be brought to the neighbourhood to boost biodiversity and to create a more pleasant area for local communities to come together. 

Canonbury West is the fourth low-traffic neighbourhood to be made permanent, with St Peter’s, Canonbury East, and Clerkenwell Green all remaining permanently too. The council will announce its final decisions on the Amwell and Highbury neighbourhoods in the near future, while a formal consultation on the St Mary’s Church neighbourhood – which was introduced later than the other schemes – will also be announced soon.  

Last month, the council also announced plans to introduce a network of Liveable Neighbourhoods, to help increase green space, boost biodiversity, and create more welcoming streets for all.   

Cllr Rowena Champion, Islington Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality, and Transport, said: “When we started introducing low-traffic neighbourhoods back in 2020, we were determined to help make Islington’s neighbourhoods more welcoming places, where it’s easier to walk, cycle, wheel, and use buggies and wheelchairs.  

“Having monitored the positive impact of the schemes and listened carefully to public feedback, we’re delighted to now be making our fourth neighbourhood permanent. The Canonbury West neighbourhood has delivered clear, sustained positive results for local people, and we’re looking forward to seeing these benefits continue.   

“We’re working to make Islington’s streets cleaner, greener, and healthier for all, and we're looking forward to introducing more green spaces and improving pavements in Canonbury West.” 

To complement the existing Blue Badge exemption, the council has recently announced a new “Individual Exemption” in low-traffic neighbourhoods and future Liveable Neighbourhoods. Further information on the exemption, and on how local people can apply and provide feedback, is available on the council’s website.   

Contact information

If you are a member of the public with a general question about the council please view the contact information on our website or call 020 7527 2000.