4 items found

Residents invited to help decide new Borough of Sanctuary grants
Islington Council is setting up a new Community Panel to help allocate £500,000 of government grants for projects that support refugees, migrants and people seeking asylum.

Islington Together: Islington commemorates victims of genocide on Holocaust Memorial Day
Holocaust Memorial Day is the international day to remember the six million Jews murdered in the the Holocaust, the millions of people killed under Nazi persecution, and people killed in more recent genocides including Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, with a focus on fostering education, remembrance, and unity within the community.

£10 million funding agreed for Islington’s vital voluntary and community organisations
Islington Council has agreed more than £10 million funding over four years for vital voluntary and community sector organisations.

Islamophobia Awareness Month 2023 - Statement from Islington Council and local faith and community partners
To mark Islamophobia Awareness Month, Islington Council, Finsbury Park Mosque, Muslim Welfare House, Islington Hate Crime Forum, Holloway Educational and Cultural Centre, and Islington Faiths Forum stand together in solidarity to reiterate that any form of hate crime will not be tolerated in Islington.