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Local community set to shape inclusive future for Sobell Leisure Centre
Islington Council is set to invite local people to help create an inclusive programme of activities at the new Sobell Leisure Centre, so that people of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy the huge benefits of sport and physical activity.
'Protect tenants or face action’ - thousands more private renters to get protection from rogue landlords
Landlords of more than 5,000 homes must register for a license and ensure their tenants have good quality housing or face prosecution, under a new Islington Council scheme.
Improvement projects underway on estates in Islington - £6million allocated so far
Last year, Islington Council committed £10million to transforming shared spaces on estates across the borough through its Thriving Neighbourhoods programme. Over 200 projects have been funded so far and work has already begun to improve playgrounds, recycling areas, landscaping, accessibility, and seating at different locations in Islington.
Three new Green Flags awarded to Islington green spaces
Islington Council now has 13 Green Flags for its park and green spaces, having retained ten won in previous years, and gained three new awards.
Heritage plaque for Irish Nationalist leader Michael Collins unveiled in Islington
Working with the Terence MacSwiney Committee, Islington Council has unveiled a plaque dedicated to Michael Collins, an Irish Nationalist leader who campaigned and fought for Irish independence in the early 20th Century.
Archway made a Creative Enterprise Zone to boost the local economy
Archway has been designated by the Mayor of London as a Creative Enterprise Zone, a status which affirms the council’s commitment to boosting the area’s creative economy.
Islington Council to buy back 100 much-needed genuinely affordable homes
Islington Council is set to buy back 100 homes for young adults leaving care, people sleeping rough, and families who have had to flee Afghanistan and Ukraine.
St Mary’s Church low-traffic neighbourhood made permanent
The trial low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in St Mary’s Church has been made permanent, after monitoring data and resident feedback revealed it has helped create greener, healthier, and more welcoming streets for all.
Residents’ ‘safety net’ fund marks 10th anniversary and almost £21million given in grant aid
A “vital part of Islington’s safety net” for residents in crisis marked a milestone 10th anniversary this week, looking to the future while marking the £20.5million of short-term relief grants it has provided so far.
Islington is top inner-London borough for healthy streets – again!
The council’s efforts to create greener, healthier, more welcoming streets for its residents have again been recognised, with Islington ranking as the best-performing inner-London borough in a city-wide report for the third successive year.
£250 grant scheme widened to thousands more working renters in Islington
A one-off £250 grant to help with essential living costs has been made available to thousands more Islington residents who rent their homes.